About us

Hillcroft Farm Stables was developed to replace the old piggery which was demolished  during the winter of 2008/9. For many years, farming at Hillcroft had consisted of mixed arable cropping, originally with breeding sows kept as an outdoor herd as part of a regular rotation.

Today, arable farming still takes place at Hillcroft, although it bears little resemblance to the practices of the days when small mixed farms could sustain a whole family.

The stables evolved as part of the process to re-habilitate the yard and an old paddock which lay to its north.  The most dilapidated buildings were demolished and those remaining, adapted and improved.

The spirit of the enterprise was driven by several individuals, each of whom brought a range of  different skills and enthusiasms to the challenge.

To all of them, and particularly to the late Ted Elkins,  we remain indebted.